End the overwhelm.

Get a head start with my researched and field tested tool kit so that your child can thrive too.

End the overwhelm.

Get a head start with my researched and field tested tool kit so that your child can thrive too.


Tara Hunkin – Understanding the Importance of Lyme and Co-Infections

Understanding the Importance of Lyme and Co-Infections

I’m Tara Hunkin, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified GAPS Practitioner, Restorative Wellness Practitioner, mother, and founder of My Child Will Thrive. I am passionate about helping parents like you because I have been in your shoes. My Child Will Thrive is the resource I wish I had found years ago.

After 13 years — and counting — researching, applying therapies and techniques, succeeding and learning from mistakes, the journey to recover my daughter from multiple neurodevelopmental disorders (dyspraxia, sensory processing disorder, general learning disability, dyslexia, auditory processing disorder…) has been an eye-opening, soul-searching, sometimes lonely trip.

My learning never ends. Whether formally, through courses and conferences, or informally, by reading, listening and research, I am on a mission to transform what I’ve learned into useful, practical solutions for parents who are where I was at the beginning of my journey — confused, determined, scared and hopeful.

Knowing more about your child’s health and the possible underlying causes is the key to finding the path to recovery. Envisioning your child’s total recovery (whatever that means to you) is, dare I say, a reasonable and necessary part of the process. Knowledge is power, hope is fuel.


Why You Need to Address Heavy Metals

 Wendy square - special edition 000

Welcome to this Special Edition episode of the My Child Will Thrive podcast with my guest, Wendy Myers. Wendy is the founder of The Myers Detox, a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, and an NES Bioenergetic Practitioner in the Los Angeles, California area. She's a number one best selling author of, Limitless Energy, How to Detox Metals, and Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue. She's also the host of the upcoming, The Heavy Metal Summit.

.  Here is a snapshot of what you will learn today:

021: Sidney Baker – The Importance of Medical History and how Identifiying Symptom Clusters can Highlight the Best Treatment Plan for your Child

Sidney Baker MD


Dr. Sidney Baker received his undergraduate, medical, and medical postgraduate training from Yale University where he served as Chief Resident in Pediatrics on the full time medical faculty as an Assistant Professor of Medical Computer Sciences with appointments in the Departments of Pediatrics and Obstetrics from 1969 to 1971. He is Board Certified in Pediatrics. He has practiced in Chad Africa as Peace Corps Volunteer and in family practice for seven years in New Haven. He was Director of the Gesell Institute of Human Development in New Haven for seven years (1978-1985). Currently he is in private practice with a special interest in chronic illness in adults and children.

He was co-founder of Defeat Autism Now!, a national organization devoted to dialog among parents, practitioners and scientists regarding biomedical treatment options and the environmental origins of the current autism epidemic. He is the co-author of two Gesell Institute books on child development. He is the author of Detoxification and Healing (McGraw Hill, 2003) and The Circadian Prescription (Putnam/Penguin, 2000). He is co-author of Autism: Effective Biomedical Treatments. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Integrative Medicine. He was the 1999 recipient of the Linus Pauling Award of the Institute for Functional Medicine for his contributions to the development of Functional Medicine.


020: Nicholas Dogris – How to Stimulate Brain and Gut Healing Using Low EMF Neurofeedback

Nicholas J. Dogris, Ph.D. Is a full time, California, Licensed Psychologist working in private practice in the beautiful Eastern Sierra Mountain Range. He is BCIA board certified in neurofeedback and has over 12 years of experience in the field. He is the inventor and founder of NeuroField, Inc. which became a formal company in 2008. Dr. Dogris is trained in the assessment, diagnosis, and psychological treatment of adults, adolescents, and children. He has over 18 years of experience in the mental health field and has worked with diverse populations to include people with chronic mental illness, developmental disorders, and geriatric disorders to include Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Dogris is also trained in individual, family therapy, cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic treatment modalities, QEEG, EEG Neurofeedback, Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS), hypnosis, EMDR, voice therapy, court mandated treatment of domestic violence, and play therapy. As well, Dr. Dogris is a Forensic Evaluator for the Inyo and Mono County Superior Courts to include child custody, competency, and risk assessments.

Dr. Dogris graduated with his Ph.D. from the California School of Professional Psychology and holds two Masters in both Clinical and Research Psychology. During his doctoral training, Dr. Dogris was trained in a hybrid, clinical, program that focused on traditional psychological teachings along with medical training in an effort to prepare him to become a prescribing psychologist. However, he did not pursue becoming a prescribing psychologist upon graduating with his doctorate because it was his opinion that Neurofeedback was a much more effective and long-term treatment for a large spectrum of mental health problems.

Dr. Dogris began working with Len Ochs (the founder of the LENS) in 2002 and in 2005 began creating new treatment protocols for the LENS that were adopted by the majority of his colleagues who utilize the LENS in practice.

He is a member of the AAPB (Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback) and the ISNR (International Society for Neurofeedback and Research) and participates in both the AAPB and the ISNR annual conferences. He works primarily in Bishop California in private practice, but lectures around the world providing training and consultation to practitioners who utilize NeuroField in professional practice.


019: John Tjenos – The Importance of the Vagus Nerve and How to Build Vagal Tone with Essential Oils


John Tjenos has been a practitioner in the healing arts for 30 years. At his Seattle-based practice, he integrates his background of Aston Patterning, Nutritional Therapy, Muscle Testing, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Functional Neurology, and energy medicine.
Through countless clinical assessments of his clients, John developed unique approaches to bring his clients to their highest level of health. He created and teaches his system of muscle testing called Inneractive Healing Systems [https://www.inneractivehealingsystems.com] and teaches for the Nutritional Therapy Association. He also co-founded Meo Energetics [https://meoenergetics.com], which offers his formulations of clinical-grade essential oils and flower essences to support brain function. https://www.johntjenos.com


018: Robert Melillo – Functional Disconnection: What it is and how addressing the imbalanced brain is foundational to recovery.


One of the most respected specialists in childhood neurological disorders in America, Dr. Robert Melillo has been helping children overcome learning disabilities for over 20 years. His areas of expertise include: autism spectrum disorders, PDD/NOS, ADD/ADHD, OCD, dyslexia, Asperger’s, Tourette’s, bipolar disorder, and other mental, attention, behavioral and learning disorders. He is also and expert in diet, nutrition and neuroimmune disorders in children and adults.

As a clinician for 25 years, a university professor, brain researcher, best selling author, radio and TV host, his cutting-edge research and success with over a thousand children in his private program are what led to the creation of Brain Balance Achievement Centers. Brain Balance Centers are cutting edge supplemental learning centers catering only to children with various learning disabilities. Brain Balance Centers use a multi-modal, hemispheric curriculum focused on addressing the primary issue in most learning disabilities and behavioral disorders which is known as a functional disconnection. Since he introduced this concept, functional disconnection has become one the leading theories in the world related to Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and more. This work is leading the way toward understanding the underlying nature of these disorders and their causes.

In 2004, Dr. Melillo published Neurobehavioral Disorders of Childhood: An Evolutionary Perspective, a working theory textbook on developmental disabilities. This book continues to be utilized on both a graduate and undergraduate level in Universities around the world, it has been translated into Korean and Chinese. However, it was Dr. Melillo’s best-selling 2009 book, Disconnected Kids that catapulted him to national prominence. Greeted with overwhelming positive response, the thesis of that book serves as the foundation for the work being done at Brain Balance Centers around the country. Dr. Melillo’s leadership in the field, as well as his personal dedication to the creation of a drug-free multi-modal educational program for children with ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, Asperger’s, and autism spectrum disorders, have made him one of the most sought-after speakers on the subject today, both in the U.S. and abroad. Disconnected Kids has been translated into Chinese, Korean and Hebrew and there are French and Italian versions being completed now. He just completed the second edition of Disconnected Kids, which will be released in March of 2015.

His optimistic and straight-forward approach to overcoming childhood disorders has given hope to countless families throughout the world. His follow up book Reconnected Kids was released in 2011 and has also met with great success and has also been a best seller. This book was an inspirational book, which also helped parents to understand and address behavioral issues in their child using cutting edge brain science. His most recent and third book published by Penguin is a book simply entitled Autism, but it is another groundbreaking publication that takes on some very controversial topics. This book which was released in January 2013 addresses the causes of autism and whether in fact we are witnessing an epidemic and most importantly what are the environmental factors and genetic issues that increase the risk of a couple having a child with autism. He also has put together a cutting edge “preconception” program that he describes in the book to help to possibly prevent Autism and ADHD in a baby. He has a specialized practice in New York City where he works with children, and adults with ADHD and other neurological conditions. He is also working and conducting research on children with PANS, Pediatric acute neurological syndrome and PANDAS, which are neurological and immunological conditions that are poorly understood.

The latest book that Dr Melillo is working on is a Diet and Nutrition Book directed towards Kids and families with special needs, this book will also feature other authors, such as Grammy Award winner Zac Brown as well as other well-known chefs and authors, who will provide unique insight and recipes for this book. This book is also expected to be released in 2015.

As well as working with the Brain Balance Centers, Dr. Melillo is currently working with a group of international research labs as well teaching as a post graduate professor. He has been teaching his theories and techniques to health professionals around the world and has taught over 7000 professionals in several different countries and continents over the past 20 years. He continues to teach over 1000 hours a year to health care professionals, teachers, researchers and parent groups. He is also serving as a curriculum consultant to Grammy Award winning musical artist Zac Brown, of the Zac Brown Band, who is creating his own special camp, Camp Southern Ground for neurotypical children as well as children with disabilities and their families. Dr Melillo has also appeared in dozens of television interviews and appearances including “The Doctors Show” on CBS and he has frequently appeared on Fox News and NBC, as an expert commentator, he has also done several hundred radio and TV interviews, nationally and internationally.

In 2013 Dr Melillo started hosting a weekly national radio blog show called The Brain Balance Radio Show which highlights each week a different Brain Balance Centers and the communities they serve, he also has interviewed many of the parents and kids who have been through the Brain Balance Program and have personally related their incredible stories of hope and success. In 2014 Dr Melillo and his wife Carolyn also started a cable TV show called The Dr Rob Show, it is a health, entertainment and lifestyle show directed toward the special needs community, it has been met with critical acclaim and achieved great success in a short period of time.

Dr Melillo along with his partner Lisa Erhard created and produced Brain Balance Music, it is specifically designed hemispheric based music. There is no other music of its kind and it has been utilized by many health and education professionals, as well as the Brain Balance Centers to help improve brain function and balance in both children and adults.

Dr. Melillo is an affiliate professor of rehabilitation sciences at Nazareth Academic Institute and a senior research fellow with the National Institute for Brain and Rehabilitation Sciences and he is a post graduate professor of Childhood Developmental Disabilities. He holds a master’s degree in neuroscience, a master’s degree in clinical rehabilitation neuropsychology, and is completing his doctorate in the same subjects. He holds a doctorate in chiropractic, a Diplomate in Neurology, Fellowship American College of Functional Neurology, Fellowship American Board Childhood Developmental Disabilities, and is the executive director of the National Institute For Brain and Rehabilitation Sciences and The Children’s Autism Hope Project. He is also president emeritus of the International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehabilitation and the co-editor-in-chief of the professional journal Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation and Ergonomics. He has published numerous scientific papers and contributed chapters to 10 professional books. He has also made hundreds of conference presentations.

