019: John Tjenos – The Importance of the Vagus Nerve and How to Build Vagal Tone with Essential Oils
June 22, 2017
John Tjenos has been a practitioner in the healing arts for 30 years. At his Seattle-based practice, he integrates his background of Aston Patterning, Nutritional Therapy, Muscle Testing, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Functional Neurology, and energy medicine.
Through countless clinical assessments of his clients, John developed unique approaches to bring his clients to their highest level of health. He created and teaches his system of muscle testing called Inneractive Healing Systems [https://www.inneractivehealingsystems.com] and teaches for the Nutritional Therapy Association. He also co-founded Meo Energetics [https://meoenergetics.com], which offers his formulations of clinical-grade essential oils and flower essences to support brain function. https://www.johntjenos.com
- The Autism, ADHD, and Sensory Processing Disorder Summit is from June 19th – 28th, 2017
- What is the autonomic nervous system and its role in healing
- What is the vagus nerve?
- What are the implications of low vagal tone?
- Symptoms of low vagal tone you will recognize in your child
- The importance of vagal tone on digestion and detoxification
- How weak vagal tone impacts sensory processing and social interaction
- How to improve vagal tone through multiple methods including spinning, supplementation and essential oils
- And much more…
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Resources and Links
John's website
Meo Energetics: Vagal Tone Essential Oil Blend
Meo Energetics: Brain Deflame Essential Oil Blend