End the overwhelm.

Get a head start with my researched and field tested tool kit so that your child can thrive too.

Stop doing it all on your own

Sign up to be invited to our Facebook group, because it takes a village.


There is so much to learn when it comes to helping our children recover and coordinating their care. Here at My Child Will Thrive we are working hard to build up as much information as we can to help you on your journey.


Head on over to the blog for weekly posts on various topics ranging from nutrition to mitochondrial function. Check out our videos, guides and other resources for more in-depth information and tools you can use to learn how to help your child thrive.

The website will be updated weekly with new content. To keep up to date, join our mailing list to receive a weekly email that keeps you connected to the latest information we post.

And don’t forget to join our free private My Child Will Thrive Village Facebook group to get support from other parents just like you who are looking for and finding answers for their children. I look forward to connecting with you in the Village.

Check out our current and upcoming videos and webinars to help inform you about nutrition, biomedical and other therapies; teach you how to better manage your child’s care; give you tools to help navigate your journey; and inspire and empower you along the way.

The resources are a compilation of our own home-grown resources (like our Glossary of Glorious Terms You Wish You Never Had to Learn) and outside resources that we think are valuable and know you will love.