The Book That Kickstarted My Childs Recovery
March 31, 2016
Table of Contents
The Book That Kickstarted My Childs Recovery. Probably like you, I have read many books on how to recover my child. Early on, when looking for answers to my daughter’s health issues, I didn’t know where to start because my daughter’s signs and symptoms didn’t really fit into any diagnostic box, so I was left on my own to figure it out. The one diagnosis we did eventually receive around the age of five was dyspraxia. Dyspraxia only accounted for a few of her symptoms, however, and most of the interventions were speech- and occupational therapy-based (which we pursued vigorously for several years and made gains as a result). Than there was The Book That Kickstarted My Childs Recovery.
One day, during a regular Google search for “dyspraxia,” I came across a book that stood out from all the others: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS), Natural Treatment for: Dyspraxia, Autism, ADD, Dyslexia, ADHD, Depression and Schizophrenia by Dr. Natasha Campbell-Mcbride MD, MMedSCi (neurology), MMedSci (nutrition) and mom of a child she recovered from autism with the GAPS Nutritional Protocol she developed. This book was different. It taught me that these conditions could be reversed or significantly improved through diet and nutrients and that they were medical in nature. It gave me hope and scared me at the same time.
- The GAPS book is full of key information on the often overlooked underlying causes and solutions to neurodevelopmental disorders and other neurological disorders.
- Digestive disorders and gut dysfunction are found clinically in most children with neurodevelopmental disorders.
- Gut dysfunction impacts the immune system, nutrient absorption, detoxification and ultimately brain function.
- The term gut and psychology syndrome (GAPS) was coined to describe the underlying cause/condition that is seen in many neurodevelopmental disorders.
- GAPS can be resolved by following the GAPS Nutritional Protocol outlined in this book
How I Went from Scared to Hopeful
I have a confession to make. The first time I picked up the book, I scanned Part One, which discusses the why? part of the equation, and jumped to the what do I do? part because I wanted to get right to the “good stuff” that was going to help my child. BIG MISTAKE! I got scared. The major diet and lifestyle changes recommended seemed impossible at the time. I envisioned my child refusing to drink broth or eat the foods suggested in the book. I thought it would be difficult, if not impossible, to pull off. I put the book away, dismissing it as a crazy idea that was too much to take in at the time.
Fortunately, as I did more research and opened my mind to new possibilities, I progressively changed my mindset from, “This is impossible to take on,” to, “What could possibly be harder than the daily struggles I currently face with my daughter?” and, “How could I ignore the potential benefits to her health and outcomes?” Further fuel for my motivation came when my younger daughter had obvious digestive issues that conventional approaches weren’t addressing. I needed to take action, so I picked up the book again and started from the beginning.
Once I understood the why behind the GAPS Protocol, I had hope that if I addressed these root causes, my daughter’s body and brain would have the opportunity to heal. Instead of being scared and overwhelmed by the diet, I was excited about its potential.
The Book That Kickstarted My Childs Recovery – How this Book Can Change Your Life
Dr. Campbell-McBride gives a great overview of why we must address gut health to help our children. She discusses the overlap of so many seemingly unrelated conditions (such as autism, dyspraxia, ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, various learning and behavioural problems, allergies, asthma, eczema), many of which are beginning to show up in epidemic proportions in our children. She dives deep into why your child is experiencing the symptoms of a neurodevelopmental disorder and what the root causes are.
You will learn how the gut is an integral part of the immune system and how an imbalance in the microbiome will impact the immune system, nutrient absorption, and the gut-brain axis. Dr. McBride also discusses how your child's medical history (and family medical history) can explain how your child got to a place of dysfunction, which she refers to as gut and psychology syndrome (GAPS) instead of using several overlapping diagnostic labels for the same underlying conditions.
Part One of this book is a must-read for anyone with a child with neurodevelopmental disorders, even if you have no intention of using the GAPS diet protocol.
If you want to gain the maximum potential from this book, even if you don’t want to use the GAPS nutritional protocol, then read Part Two: Treatment. You will learn more of the reasons why this protocol works, how balancing your child’s blood sugar levels will help, and why a diet full of grains and processed foods can be so detrimental to recovery. In addition to a complete walk-through of the diet protocol, there is a section that outlines the essential supplements for GAPS, which discusses not only the recommendations but also why these supplements are so important. Once you understand the why behind her recommendations, you can use this knowledge to help you decide if GAPS might work for your child.
Get your copy of Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS), Natural Treatment for: Dyspraxia, Autism, ADD, Dyslexia, ADHD, Depression and Schizophrenia to learn more.
I have a bookcase overflowing with books, not to mention my Kindle and audiobook collection, but I recommend this book first because it turned the tide for my approach to recovery for my daughter. I would love to hear in the comments below if there was a book or resource that did the same for you.