One Simple Step to End Overwhelm for Special Needs Parents
January 12, 2017
A new year is upon us, which means a fresh start, right? So why does the optimism that the new year brings fade so quickly? In a word, overwhelm. As parents of children with autism, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, or similar conditions, we quickly become overwhelmed with the day-to-day challenges we encounter with our children. You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach—the one that comes with not knowing the right answer and feeling like you have tried it all and yet are not where you want to be with your child’s recovery. It took me many years of living with that feeling before I realized I needed a system to figure out what comes next. The first step to ending overwhelm is to get organized.
- We parents get overwhelmed by the amount of information we need to process and interpret to make decisions to help our children recover.
- Getting organized is the very first step to end your overwhelm.
- Even if organizing isn’t your favourite, the results that come from setting yourself and your child up for success speak for themselves.
- Join me for a free 10-Day Overwhelm Detox for special Needs Parents for a step-by-step breakdown of how to get organized so you can maximize your child’s results!
If you’re like me, you like getting organized. It’s fun for me, but I never really took it to the next level when it came to my daughter’s treatment and therapy plan. I always kept a thick file with every paper from doctor visits, therapists, schools, and testing (medical and otherwise) together in one place. It quickly became the largest file in our filing cabinet. (Sound familiar?) This mess of papers—essentially my daughter’s medical history—wasn’t any help to me all crammed into a dusty file cabinet. You see, this medical history is key to making the right decisions for you child, to finding their unique path to recovery. Organized in the right way, it will help you and your child’s practitioners choose the most effective treatment plan for your child.
So how do we organize this mountain of medical papers and information? I will show you how when you join me for a free 10-day Overwhelm Detox for Special Needs Parents. I will walk you through the whole process by popping into your inbox with a short exercise every day for ten days. It will be 10 days of binders, dividers, highlighters, tabs, and sticky notes. Or, if you want to go digital, Evernote and Birdhouse. I will also be available in the free Overwhelm Detox for Special Needs Parents Facebook group every day to answer any questions and show you the work I’ve done alongside you.
If the idea of getting organized is not as exciting to you as it is to me, still join me. I promise to make it as painless as possible. Aside from my love of all things office supplies, I know from experience that the best thing you can do for you and your child is to collect and review all the data you can. I will help you learn to love the process because I know you will love the results.
After ten days you will be ready to take on the New Year with confidence that you are making the best use of all the hard work you have done with your child, and that you have the best information available to help guide your decisions moving forward.
So what are you waiting for? Join me for the free 10-Day Overwhelm detox for Parents to end your overwhelm and regain the hope and inspiration you need to keep pushing through the daily ups and downs to find success for your child.