October 25, 2022

Today’s Toolkit Tuesday episode is an important one because we’ll be talking about one of my favourite tools as a nutritionist, the Digestion Cheat Sheet. We all know how important digestion is in our children’s overall health and the topic is near and dear to my heart because as a nutritionist, I know we may go to great lengths to find the perfect combination of foods and nutrients for our children, but if they aren't digesting them properly, then we’re not going to see any benefits of that great diet that we’ve worked so hard to achieve for them.
We also know without optimal digestive function, it can and most likely will impact our gut microbiome which impacts so many parts of our overall health and wellbeing. For so many of our children, their gut microbiome is not functioning properly which leads to why I created the Digestion Cheat Sheet and how it can be a helpful tool for you and your practitioners.
Also, if you’re interested in learning more about the My Child Will Thrive Toolkit and how to access these free tools, here’s some more information.
The Toolkit includes:
- Researched and field tested guides, tracking tools, checklists and cheat sheets allow you to get to the root of what is causing your child's challenges. so that you don't waste time creating them yourself.
- Videos to walk you through some of the more challenging topics you will need to learn to help identify what your child needs.
- Using The My Child Will Thrive Tool Kit gives you a head start so you can focus on what is most important – your child!
I recommend watching the video on YouTube (see below on this page) to see the Digestion Cheat Sheet as I walk you through it. I hope you enjoy this episode!
September 13, 2022

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to another Toolkit Tuesday episode! Today I’m taking you through the Primitive Reflexes Cheat Sheet and also talking about the upcoming Expert Masterclass I have with Dr. Scire. But before we get started, here’s a bit more information about the My Child Will Thrive Toolkit.
The Toolkit includes:
- Researched and field tested guides, tracking tools, checklists and cheat sheets allow you to get to the root of what is causing your child's challenges. so that you don't waste time creating them yourself.
- Videos to walk you through some of the more challenging topics you will need to learn to help identify what your child needs.
- Using The My Child Will Thrive Tool Kit gives you a head start so you can focus on what is most important – your child!
In this Toolkit Tuesday episode, I’m taking you through the Primitive Reflexes Cheat Sheet which is a helpful guide to all things primitive reflexes so you can better understand them for your child. You can access that here.
I also mention our upcoming Expert Masterclass with Dr. Scire which will dive into some of the CDC’s changes to primitive reflexes. The free masterclass, Milestones Matter: How Developmental Milestones from Birth to 3 Years Old Influence Brain Development and What You Can Do When a Milestone is Missed, Skipped or Delayed will include:
- What are the developmental milestones and how they provide insight into understanding what treatments and therapies are right for your child.
- How missed, skipped or delayed developmental milestones impact the neurodevelopment of the two hemispheres of your child’s brain and how this explains their symptoms.
- What tools are commonly used to assess your child’s neurodevelopment and how they translate into what your next steps are to help your child.
- Why functional medicine and nutritional interventions on their own will often lead to temporary improvements and how combining them with neurorehab is essential for long-term success.
Please sign up for this Masterclass with Dr. Scire on September 21 here.
I recommend watching the video on YouTube (see below on this page) to see the tool as I walk you through it. I hope you enjoy this episode!
August 16, 2022

Have you been enjoying our Toolkit Tuesday episodes? We’re back with another one this week all about the Medical History and Therapy Tracking Tool. But first, what is Toolkit Tuesday for those of you that may be new? It is the day that we review one of the tools in the My Child Will Thrive Toolkit, which you can find for free on our website here.
The Toolkit includes:
- Researched and field tested guides, tracking tools, checklists and cheat sheets allow you to get to the root of what is causing your child's challenges. so that you don't waste time creating them yourself.
- Videos to walk you through some of the more challenging topics you will need to learn to help identify what your child needs.
- Using The My Child Will Thrive Tool Kit gives you a head start so you can focus on what is most important – your child!
In this Toolkit Tuesday episode, I’m taking you through the Medical History and Therapy Tracking Tool which is one of the first tools I created, as well as one of the most extensive. You can access that here.
If you’re like me, it can be exhausting filling out form after form with new practitioners you’re seeing. These forms are extremely important for the practitioners to recognize patterns and identify opportunities for healing for your child, but it can be hard for us to remember everything every time you’re filling out a new intake form. The Medical History and Therapy Tracking Tool is a way to keep everything all in one place so you can either copy it over to your new practitioner form or just give them a copy of this complete summary of your child’s history.
I recommend watching the video on YouTube (see below on this page) to see the tool as I walk you through it. I hope you enjoy this episode!
August 2, 2022

Today is our second episode of The Parent Perspective, a segment of the My Child Will Thrive Podcast where I’ll be interviewing parents just like you to find out more about their stories with their children. In this interview, I talked with Amy Taft, a mom of three and holistic practitioner. Amy takes us through her experience from pregnancy to now with her child, Benjamin. I hope hearing Amy’s journey will help spark ideas and inspiration for you and your family.
If you’re a parent or caretaker and you’re interested in sharing your experience with us on the podcast, please fill out our form here and we read them all and you will always hear back from us. We look forward to sharing your story too!
I hope you enjoy this interview with Amy!
July 5, 2022

Time for another Toolkit Tuesday! What is Toolkit Tuesday? It is the day that we review one of the tools in the My Child Will Thrive Toolkit, which you can find for free on our website here. This Toolkit Tuesday dwells on the importance of Protocol and Therapy Review Worksheet.
The Toolkit includes:
- Researched and field tested guides, tracking tools, checklists and cheat sheets allow you to get to the root of what is causing your child's challenges. so that you don't waste time creating them yourself.
- Videos to walk you through some of the more challenging topics you will need to learn to help identify what your child needs.
- Using The My Child Will Thrive Tool Kit gives you a head start so you can focus on what is most important – your child!
Today we’re talking about the Protocol & Therapy Review Worksheet or Progress Tracker which you can access here. I like to say that this tool adds a little science to the art of managing your child's care. This tool not only helps you and your family be on the same page, but you can share it with your practitioner to make sure everyone knows what’s going on.
I recommend watching the video on YouTube (see below on this page) to see the tracker as I walk you through it. I hope you enjoy this episode!
June 21, 2022

I’m excited to announce that we’re starting a new series here on the My Child Will Thrive Podcast called The Parent Perspective. Today’s debut episode is The Parent Perspective with Dana Latter.
Dana is a parent of a child who struggled with developmental delays. On the show we talked about her experience with her sons, what techniques worked or didn’t work and what she would’ve done differently if she knew what she did now. Her story has so many similarities to other parents out there and I was able to relate with her as well. She now shares her journey on her own podcast as well as helps other families just like hers.
If you’re a parent or caretaker and you’re interested in sharing your experience with us on the podcast, please fill out our form here and we read them all and you will always hear back from us:-) We look forward to sharing your story too!
I hope you enjoy this first parent podcast episode of The Parent Perspective with Dana!