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Get a head start with my researched and field tested tool kit so that your child can thrive too.Latest Articles
Speech Therapy for Children: Early Detection and Support
What is Speech Therapy? Speech therapy helps the development of language and communication skills in shaping a child's future interaction and reaction. Today, we guide you through the process, helping you understand the intricacies of speech therapy, when it's needed,...
Customizing Learning Strategies for Your Unique Child
One of the things you will realize as you listen to our latest podcast is this: All children learn differently, but some children learn with greater difficulty, so customizing learning strategies is key to their success. As parents, seeing our child struggle to learn...
Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization Part 2
In the first part of this podcast on “Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization: Understanding its Role in Neurodevelopment”, you were introduced to brain lateralization and its role in a child’s behavior and development. In this second part of the podcast on...
Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization
A quick Google search on the term ‘brain lateralization’ defines it as “the functional specialization of the brain whereas a bodily function, such as language or movement, occurs in the left side of the brain and perception of visual and spatial relationships, occurs...
Parenting Healthy Brains And Bodies On A Budget!
Do not underestimate the power of creating a routine of small but impactful habits for your child to support their health! In this interview, Madiha Saeed, MD, shares with us parenting healthy brains and bodies - how we can put a child back into balance and reduce...
The Parent Perspective: Kelly Meehan, OD
One of my favorite segments of the My Child Will Thrive Podcast are the interviews I do with all parents and caregivers. While our episodes with experts are packed with invaluable information, the parent interviews on The Parent Perspective are so insightful,...
Toolkit Tuesday: Biomedical and Therapy Protocol Tracker
We’re back with another Toolkit Tuesday! What is Toolkit Tuesday for those of you that may be new? It is the day that we review one of the tools in the My Child Will Thrive Toolkit, which you can find for free on our website here. The Toolkit includes: Researched and...
Toolkit Tuesday: Food, Mood, Sleep & Poop Journal
We’ve got a short episode today on the My Child Will Thrive Podcast, but it’s a good one! I’m taking you through the importance of the Food, Mood, Sleep & Poop Journal and why I think it’s one of the most powerful and important tools that you can use for your...
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Vitamin D – Nutrient Deficiencies in Children with Symptoms of ADHD (Part 1)
Several studies have provided significant evidence of specific vitamin and mineral deficiencies that are tied to the symptoms of ADHD, including vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiencies in particular are often found in our children exhibiting signs of ADHD. Although...
Tara Hunkin – Understanding the Importance of Lyme and Co-Infections
My Child Will Thrive Podcast · Understanding the Importance of Lyme and Co-infections I’m Tara Hunkin, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified GAPS Practitioner, Restorative Wellness Practitioner, mother, and founder of My Child Will Thrive. I am passionate about...
Tara Hunkin – The Basics of PANS / PANDAS Your Questions Answered
My Child Will Thrive Podcast · MCWT Podcast - The Basics of PANS/PANDAS - Your Questions Answered I’m Tara Hunkin, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified GAPS Practitioner, Restorative Wellness Practitioner, mother, and founder of My Child Will Thrive. I am...
Neuroplasticity – Finding Hope With Setbacks
We’ve all experienced setbacks while trying to recover our children. Neuroplasticity – Finding Hope With Setbacks is something we all need to...
How Retained Primitive Reflexes May Affect Your Child
Two weeks ago I introduced the concept of neuroplasticity and why it is the beacon of hope for recovery for our children. The brain’s ability to re...
How Functional Neurology Can Help Your Child
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How Neurofeedback Can Help Your Child
Last week we talked about functional neurology and how it’s important to address brain function directly in conjunction with our efforts to address...
How Susan Levin Recovered Her Autistic Son With The Son-Rise Program
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Parenting Healthy Brains And Bodies On A Budget!
Do not underestimate the power of creating a routine of small but impactful habits for your child to support their health! In this interview, Madiha Saeed, MD, shares with us parenting healthy brains and bodies - how we can put a child back into balance and reduce...
Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization Part 2
In the first part of this podcast on “Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization: Understanding its Role in Neurodevelopment”, you were introduced to brain lateralization and its role in a child’s behavior and development. In this second part of the podcast on...
Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization Part 2
In the first part of this podcast on “Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization: Understanding its Role in Neurodevelopment”, you were introduced to brain lateralization and its role in a child’s behavior and development. In this second part of the podcast on...
Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization
A quick Google search on the term ‘brain lateralization’ defines it as “the functional specialization of the brain whereas a bodily function, such as language or movement, occurs in the left side of the brain and perception of visual and spatial relationships, occurs...
Photobiomodulation: The Secret Weapon to Speed Healing and Recovery at a Cellular Level
As a parent of a child with a neurodevelopmental disorder, I was often overwhelmed by the options for therapies, tests and protocols that we should consider. It can be unnerving and have us question which path we should take for our child. Part of the process of...
Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization Part 2
In the first part of this podcast on “Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization: Understanding its Role in Neurodevelopment”, you were introduced to brain lateralization and its role in a child’s behavior and development. In this second part of the podcast on...
Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization Part 2
In the first part of this podcast on “Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization: Understanding its Role in Neurodevelopment”, you were introduced to brain lateralization and its role in a child’s behavior and development. In this second part of the podcast on...
Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization
A quick Google search on the term ‘brain lateralization’ defines it as “the functional specialization of the brain whereas a bodily function, such as language or movement, occurs in the left side of the brain and perception of visual and spatial relationships, occurs...
Parenting Healthy Brains And Bodies On A Budget!
Do not underestimate the power of creating a routine of small but impactful habits for your child to support their health! In this interview, Madiha Saeed, MD, shares with us parenting healthy brains and bodies - how we can put a child back into balance and reduce...
Toolkit Tuesday: Digestion Cheat Sheet
Today’s Toolkit Tuesday episode is an important one because we’ll be talking about one of my favourite tools as a nutritionist, the Digestion Cheat Sheet. We all know how important digestion is in our children’s overall health and the topic is near and dear to my...
Toolkit Tuesday: Digestion Cheat Sheet
Today’s Toolkit Tuesday episode is an important one because we’ll be talking about one of my favourite tools as a nutritionist, the Digestion Cheat Sheet. We all know how important digestion is in our children’s overall health and the topic is near and dear to my...
Toolkit Tuesday: Biomedical and Therapy Protocol Tracker
We’re back with another Toolkit Tuesday! What is Toolkit Tuesday for those of you that may be new? It is the day that we review one of the tools in the My Child Will Thrive Toolkit, which you can find for free on our website here. The Toolkit includes: Researched and...