
We are here to help you as you move towards your child’s recovery. Fill out the form below with your contact information to let us know how we can best serve your needs. Do you need to know more about a particular therapy? Are you still confused about the right diet for your child? Is there a resource you wish existed that we might be able to create?  We strive to build a resource that gives you the guidance needed to help you make the dream of your child’s recovery a reality.

Please join our free private My Child Will Thrive Village Facebook group. I look forward to connecting with you either through email or in the Village.

—Tara and the My Child Will Thrive team

Frequently Asked Questions

What does my Knowledge Vault membership include?

  • Audio podcast private feed (available in all membership options). No more having to download the individual audio files and try to figure out where they are on your phone. You will get a link to a private podcast feed that you can download with one click into a podcast app on your phone so you can listen on the go.

  • Access To a Growing Database of 90+ interviews (available in all membership options) with experts who know how to help our children.

  • Immediate access to the expert presentations from the next summit (available in all membership options)so that you don't have to wait to learn the latest information to help your child.

  • The RAIRE™ Method Framework (Knowledge Vault Complete Members Only)Tara will walk you through the RAIRE™ Method a proprietary framework and the steps you need to take to go from feeling stuck, confused and overwhelmed to confident and clear so you can live your life and watch your child thrive.

  • All sessions are provided in audio, video and written transcripts (Knowledge Vault Complete Members Only) that you can stream or download to your device so that you can learn from the experts the way that works best for you.

  • Searchable Transcripts (Knowledge Vault Complete Members Only). Not just written transcripts (you can download these if you want them), but inline transcripts you can search and with one click it will take you right to the point in the video where the term is discussed so you can quickly get to the part of the interview you need to hear.

  • Live Online Implementation Workshops & Office Hours with Tara (Knowledge Vault Complete Members Only), so that you can attend to get your questions answered and receive access to all the recordings of the previously held workshops.

Who are some of the expert speakers and what are the topics covered in the Knowledge Vault?

Some examples of the speakers and topics are:

  • David Perlmutter, MD - The role of the microbiome in neurological health

  • Alex Doman  

    • Using music to heal your child's brain.

    • Leveraging Your Child's Neuroplasticity Through, Music, Rhythm, Movement And Neurotech

  • Derrick McFabe, MD - The role of propionic acid in the multi-system challenges found in ASD

  • Robert Melillo, DC

    • Functional Disconnection: What it is and how addressing the imbalanced brain is foundational to recovery.

    • Disconnected Kids Reconnected Families: A Whole Family Approach

    • Brain Imbalances in Children with Autism and ADHD

  • Trudy Scott, CN

    • Anxiety’s Role in ASD, ADHD and SPD and how nutrient therapy can help

    • Self Care Strategies For Parents That Are Stressed Out, Anxious and Depressed Without Using Medications

  • Julie Matthews, CNC  

    • Phenol and Salicylate Sensitivities how foods impact your child’s behaviour and how to fix the root cause.

    • What The Science Says About Nutritional Interventions and What To Do About It

  • Peter Scire, DC 

    • Functional neurological therapies for teens and young adults and the importance of self-care for parents of special needs children.

    • How To Induce Neuroplastic Change In Your Teenager and Make It Fun!

    • Neurorehab and Neuroplasticity: What results can you really expect?

  • Christopher Shade, MD - Neuroinflammation - the liver, gut-brain connection.

  • Nicole Beurkens, PhD, CNS - 5 Keys to Better Behavior Naturally

  • Elizabeth Mumper, MD - Functional Medicine Approach To ADHD To Avoid Medication

  • Kiran Krishnan - Probiotics 101 - Why We Need Them and Which Ones Work and Why

  • Armen Nikogosian, MD - General Functional Medicine Approach for a Child With ASD, ADHD and SPD

  • Jessica Sherman, RHN - Why Food Matters and How To Make Changes Without Getting Overwhelmed

  • Christine Schaffner, ND - The Lyme and Co-infection Connection With ASD and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders

  • Robert Miller, CTN - ASD & Mast Cell Activation from Genetic Weaknesses and Environmental Exposures

  • Brian Hoyer, NTP, GG - EMFs: What are they and their impact on the gut lining, Blood-Brain Barrier and Sleep and how to mitigate their effects

  • Terry Wahls, MD - Nutritional Approach Proven to Improve Brain Health and Performance

  • Darin Ingles, ND, FAAEM, FMAPS - Allergies and Brain Inflammation: What You Need To Know

  • Kurt Woeller, DO - 4 Pillar Approach to Autism: Necessary Lab Testing

  • Lara Adler, CHC - Environmental Chemicals & Neurodevelopmental Disorders: What We Can Do Now

  • Brandon Crawford, DC - Photobiomodulation the Secret Weapon to Speed Healing and Recovery at a Cellular Level

And many more!

Why is the Knowledge Vault a Membership and not a one time purchase?

When you purchase access to the Knowledge Vault you have access to all of the amazing interviews and presentations, workshops and office hours with Tara for as long as you are a member in good standing.

We don’t offer this as a one-time purchase as we are constantly adding new content and providing new resources, workshops and more. We realized that we wanted to be able to create a constantly evolving resource so that you have access to all of the latest information and resources.  This requires ongoing support and creation for the My Child Will Thrive Team and your membership fees supports our efforts.

Can I purchase access to the Knowledge Vault for someone else?

Yes! The best thing for you to do is make the purchase and then let us know via email at [email protected] that you want to gift your membership and provide us with the name and email address of the recipient of the gift. We will then make the changes to the access to the Knowledge Vault so that they can have access directly through their email address. This way the invoice and billing details will still come to you.

What is your refund policy?

Our number one goal is to make sure that you are satisfied beyond your expectations with every aspect of Knowledge Vault™.


We don’t want to waste any of your time or resources, so we are extending a 7 day money back guarantee. Take a week to look around and if you don’t think the Knowledge Vault™ is a good fit for you and your family we will give you a full refund.

Sample questions

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