June 27, 2023

Mental health is a global crisis that affects people of all ages. Recent statistics show that 14% of 10 to 19 year olds across the globe have a mental health issue . In this podcast episode, we’ll explore how a science-backed holistic therapy such as calming the brain with PEMF, can help address some of the most challenging conditions like ADHD, executive functioning anxiety, OCD, mood disorders, Lyme disease, and PANS and PANDAS.
The Importance of Calming The Brain with PEMF
PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy. This therapy uses electromagnetic fields in an attempt to improve health and wellness. Let's break this concept of calming the brain with PEMF down to make it simpler.
Think of your body as a beautifully conducted orchestra, where each cell is an instrument. Just like in an orchestra, all the cells need to be perfectly tuned to play harmoniously together and produce a beautiful symphony, which in this case is your health.
Now, imagine if some instruments start to play out of tune (i.e., cells not working optimally). The overall performance will suffer, and the beautiful symphony turns into a chaotic noise (i.e., health issues).
PEMF is like the tuner who ensures every instrument is playing at its perfect pitch. It sends pulsating waves (or ‘tuning vibrations') to the ‘out-of-tune' instruments (or cells), encouraging them to adjust back to their optimal ‘pitch' or function. This way, the orchestra can return to making beautiful music, and your body can return to optimal health and that’s why to get into a PEMF routine.
The Scientific Process of Calming the Brain with PEMF
While the effectiveness of PEMF can vary and consultation with a healthcare professional is always recommended before starting any new treatment, the scientific basis of it lies in frequency and field theory.
PEMF uses specific frequencies to counteract harmful, disharmonious frequencies, particularly those related to EMFs. These corrective frequencies promote healthier cellular functions, facilitating a shift from a state of high-stress (sympathetic dominant) towards calming the brain with PEMF, a more balanced state. It changes the health and the function of the cell itself.
Our guest expert on this episode, Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge, will also reveal the answer to a very important question that many parents neglect:
“Mommy/Daddy takes care of everyone and everything but who takes care of them?”
Parents often don’t get support from themselves. They take their kids to all kinds of therapies, improve their diets and more, but they don’t do it for themselves. Dr. Roseann will show you how calming the brain with PEMF can help not just your child but also yourself get a healthy body on a cellular level while taking care of everybody else.
Now you may wonder, how do I do it or where do I get it?
Tune into the podcast now and take your first step towards a calmer mind for you and your child with PEMF.
May 30, 2023

It can be hard to find the right interventions for your child. You may feel confused by the different options and opinions out there. You may wonder if there is anything you can do to improve your child’s well-being and quality of life.
You are not alone. Many parents face the same challenges and frustrations. But there is hope. There are experts who have dedicated their lives to helping children with these disorders. They have discovered the root causes of these symptoms and how to address them with natural and safe solutions.
And they want to share their knowledge and experience with you.
This special episode of the podcast will give you a sneak peek of what you can expect from the 10-day Autism, ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder Summit that shares Intervention Breakthroughs and How to Navigate Options for Parents of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Five world-renowned experts are reshaping the autism, ADHD, and SPD landscape. They share their insights and breakthroughs on topics such as brain imbalances, food sensitivities, allergies, inflammation, anxiety, posture, and more.
What you can expect are 5 snippets from the summit interviews. You’ll hear from Dr. Robert Melillo, a pioneer in developmental functional neurology; Julie Matthews, a certified nutrition consultant specializing in autism; Dr. Darin Ingels, a naturopathic doctor with 30 years of experience; Trudy Scott, a food mood expert and author; and Dr. Krista Burns, a posture and brain health expert and TEDx speaker.
Plus, you’ll get access to the free 10-day Autism, ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder Summit where you can learn more from these experts and others who have helped thousands of children with neurodevelopmental disorders.
Dive right into the special podcast now.
May 16, 2023

Do not underestimate the power of creating a routine of small but impactful habits for your child to support their health! In this interview, Madiha Saeed, MD, shares with us parenting healthy brains and bodies – how we can put a child back into balance and reduce inflammation, with easy, cost-effective solutions that we can incorporate into their daily activities.
When dealing with neurodevelopmental challenges, we often feel hopeless and clueless on where to start. It leaves us questions like, “What am I going to do?” or “How am I going to afford this?”
If you find yourself confused about the complexity of dealing with various health conditions, then a good starting point are the simple solutions that Dr. Saeed shares in this podcast. They are easy to implement with little to no additional cost. This foundational approach can go a very long way in helping your child feel better and will support all of the other efforts you are making to help your child thrive.
In this episode, Dr. Saeed walks you through the routine she has with her family. These behind the scenes show you how practical these routines can be!
So please join me and listen (or read the transcript if you prefer) to the practicing board-certified family physician, health influencer, international speaker, and author of many amazing books, Dr. Madiha Saeed, as she talks about Parenting Healthy Brains and Bodies on a Budget!
April 18, 2023

When you suspect your child has a diagnosis because of the more obvious symptoms or they have been given a diagnosis sometimes we need to challenge that first instinct. In this podcast episode, we ask “Is it really ADHD?” or are the symptoms vision related that can be resolved with vision therapy? Many parents might relate to this podcast episode as repeat guest Kelly Meehan, Doctor of Optometry (OD), shares her facepalm moment when she discovered her child had vision problems she felt should have been identified much earlier! Vision therapy is something we haven’t covered before which is why I’m eager to be sharing this interview as recording it was both delightful as it was eye-opening.
So what is vision therapy?
The human visual system is complex and comprises not just the ability to see clearly but also various visual skills, such as eye coordination, tracking, focusing, and perception. Vision problems can affect a child's overall visual performance, reading abilities, sports performance, and even general learning and more.
Kelly walks us through what most people believe covers optometry—such as being able to see from a distance or being able to see up close—and all the other essential components of testing our child’s vision. She also explains how there is so much more to our eyesight than an ideal 20/20 vision that may show up as ADHD-like symptoms, that when addressed the “ADHD” will resolve. These elements come into play, especially during those crucial developmental years as our kids learn to read and learn to understand what they see.
Is it really ADHD or is it something else?
Listen in on the podcast to find out how a number of practitioners actually rule out vision struggles as a probable cause in understanding ADHD symptomologies and what steps you could take to learn what the root cause is.
March 21, 2023

In the first part of this podcast on “Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization: Understanding its Role in Neurodevelopment”, you were introduced to brain lateralization and its role in a child’s behavior and development.
In this second part of the podcast on “Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization: Understanding its Role in Neurodevelopment”, get ready to find out what happens when there’s a weakness on either the left brain or the right brain.
Learn about how a clinicianexamines the left brain and right brain functionality and determine what needs to be addressed. And discover what the possible therapies that are available out there for parents who don’t have access to a practitioner.
Learn all these by listening to today’s podcast, with repeat guest expert, Dr. Peter Scire!
If you are enjoying learning about Brain Lateralization on the podcast and want to dive even deeper, I invite you to join us for a live masterclass on Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization with Dr. Peter Scire on March 28, 2023, at 12pm ET/ 9am PT. Sign up here to join us live, ask your questions and receive the limited access replay for the Masterclass with Dr. Scire so that you too can understand how the brain develops and the role that Functional Disconnection Syndrome plays in your child’s symptoms.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy and learn from the second half of our podcast episode on “Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization: Understanding its Role in Neurodevelopment” with Dr. Scire.
Feel free to either listen in or read the transcript below!
March 7, 2023

A quick Google search on the term ‘brain lateralization’ defines it as “the functional specialization of the brain whereas a bodily function, such as language or movement, occurs in the left side of the brain and perception of visual and spatial relationships, occurs primarily in the right side”. There is so much more to brain lateralization than that simplified explanation which is why this week’s episode of the podcast with Dr. Peter Scire is all about Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization.
In this episode, Dr. Scire and I started a conversation about the role of brain lateralization and the importance of understanding the maturation process of the brain so that we can identify where and why the development may go off course. This topic is one that requires more time and attention so not only will you get to today’s episode but we continue the conversation in Part Two in a couple of weeks so be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss it!
If you are ready to even further unlock the mystery of brain lateralization and understand its crucial role in neurodevelopmental, Dr. Scire and I are going to host a Knowledge Vault™ Expert Masterclass on Tuesday, March 28th, 2023 at 12 pm ET/9 am PST to do a deep dive on this topic.
Join us for this free event where we will dive even deeper into the subject and help you discover new insights that will transform your understanding of brain lateralization and its influences on your child. During this Masterclass, Unlocking the Mystery of Brain Lateralization: Understanding its Role in Neurodevelopment, you will learn valuable information about this crucial part of neurodevelopment and how it can be applied to your child.
- Discover the key factors that impact the development of the brain in the critical first 36-48 months of life, which side of the brain develops first and why this sequencing is vital.
- Obtain practical insights into the basic anatomy of the brain and how you can use this knowledge to better understand the symptoms your child experiences.
- Gain an understanding of the critical role of sensory inputs such as sound, light, olfactory, vestibular, and proprioceptive inputs on brain development.
- Learn how to identify the symptoms and the impact of functional disconnection syndrome.
- Gather valuable insights on how brain lateralization impacts development and behaviour.
- Explore the research and findings related to brain lateralization and natural brain development
- And much more…
Sign up here to join us live and ask your questions and receive the limited access replay for the Masterclass with Dr. Scire so that you too can understand how the brain develops and the role functional disconnection syndrome plays in your child’s symptoms.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this podcast episode with Dr. Scire, you can listen in or read the transcript below.